Davide Venturelli is currently Associate Director for Quantum Computing of the Research Institute of Advanced Computer Science at USRA. He works in the NASA Intelligent System Division (TI) as a research scientist under the NASA Academic Mission Service contract.
Davide graduated at University of Modena and at Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, and received his PhD from in Numerical Simulations of Condensed Matter at the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) in Trieste and in Nanophysics at the Universite de Grenoble (CNRS / UJF).
He worked as a post-doc at Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, in the Condensed Matter and Information Theory group. Before joining the Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at NASA, his past publications include quantum condensed matter, many-body theory, device designs in collaboration with experimentalists, quantum thermodynamics, quantum phase transitions, and non-equilibrium spin/charge/energy transport in mesoscopic systems.
Davide is currently invested in research projects dealing with quantum optimisation applications and their near-term implementation in real hardware. The research focus is to accelerate as much as possible the near-term potential of quantum computing applied to computational challenges of industrial and public interest.
He is Principal Investigator in research projects funded by DARPA (ONISQ Program) and National Science Foundation (Expedition, SpecEES).
His applied focus on algorithms is in advanced scheduling, telecommunication networks, robotics, AI planning, in collaborations with other governmental institutions, universities and the private sector. He collaborates as advisor with startups in the sector of Robotics and Artificial Intelligence.
Select publications can be found on his google scholar profile.
In his spare time, Davide is passionate about sleight of hand magic and entrepreneurship.